Ciudad del Carmen to Frontera: Back the way I came

Statistics for today
Distance 98.34 kms 60.89 miles
Climbed 59 meters 194 feet
Ride time (hours) 4.37 -
Avg speed 22.4 kph -
Avg climb 3% -
Max grade 5% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 19,893.48 kms 12,360.93 miles
Climbed 223,858 meters 734,442 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,462.16 -
On this page

Friday, December 6th, 2013

I didn't get to bed until after midnight (super late for me now!), so I had an equally late wakeup time. After some errands and another breakfast of chilaquiles we went to the office where I had left the bike, I packed up, said my goodbyes, and hit the road around noon. It was a long, hot, flat ride back to Frontera where I had originally gotten on this highway. There were all kinds of people out doing promesas for the Virgen de Guadalupe: cyclists, runners, teams of runners doing relays of the torch from trucks, and a few walkers.

The wind was more in my favor on this return stretch so I banged it out pretty quickly, averaging over 22 kph for the day. Went I reached Frontera I went to the center, got a hotel, did some food shopping them went for tacos and gringas.

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Leaving Ciudad del Carmen
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More promesa people. They had two trucks with people in the back...
Click for a larger version of the picture person would get out and run with a torch for 300 or 400 meters, then the truck would pick them up and another person would get out and run with the torch, and so on.
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Promesa truck with Virgen statue on top
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La Laguna
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Click for a larger version of the picture