Central America/Mexico Statistical Summary:

Statistics for today
Distance 0.00 kms 0.00 miles
Climbed 0 meters 0 feet
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 23,844.98 kms 14,816.59 miles
Climbed 253,420 meters 831,430 feet
On this page

Stats for the continent:

Total days: 152

Ride days: 71

Avg kilometers /day: 103,65

Avg pedal hours /day: 6:10:09

Avg meters climbed /day: 837,38

Countries visited: 6

Distance statistics:

Total kilometers: 7359,19

Most kms in a day: 174,98

Days over 150k ridden: 7

Most pedal time in a day: 8:55:25

Climbing statistics:

Total meters climbed: 59,454

Most climbed, pavement: 2,299

Days over 2,000 meters: 3

Days between 1500 and 2000: 11

Days between 1000 and 1500 26

Days > 1000 climbed, >100k ridden: 23

Equipment issues summary:

Total flats on front wheel: 2

Total flats on back wheel: 16

Replaced cassette: 1

Replaced chain: 1

Replaced derailleur cables: 1

Replaced cable housings: 1

Replaced tent: 1

Replaced back rack: 1

Total days Ride days Total Kms Avg Kms/day Total Time Avg Hours/day Total Climbed Avg Meters/day Max avg speed
Cartagena to San Cristobal 36 28 2785,97 99,49 162:53:21 5:49:03 26656 952 20,4
San Cristobal to Guadalajara 30 21 2453,19 116,81 136:11:10 6:29:06 17450 830,95 25,5
Guadalajara to California 23 22 2120,03 96,37 138:55:44 6:18:54 15348 697,63 17,9
89 71 7359,19 103,6505634 438:00:15 6:10:09 59454 837,3802817 23,4

The lodging theme for this section was staying with friends, 47%. I only camped 15% of the nights in Central America/Mexico, a reflection on how difficult it is to hide in these populated areas.

Nights % of total nights
Invited 72 47%
Hotel 27 18%
Hospedaje* 19 13%
Hostel 12 8%
Rough Camp 12 8%
Campground 10 7%
Campground (free) 0 0%
152 100%

*Hospedaje is a general bucket for a place that was more than a hostel (i.e. I had my own room) but less than a hotel. The names of these places changed with the country - casa de huesped, hostal, albergue, hostería, pensión, etc...