Cuatrovientos to somewhere between Ciénaga and Santa Marta: Early bird gets the worm

Statistics for today
Distance 175.07 kms 108.74 miles
Climbed 500 meters 1,640 feet
Ride time (hours) 9.58 -
Avg speed 18.2 kph -
Avg climb 1% -
Max grade 6% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 16,011.49 kms 9,948.77 miles
Climbed 192,063 meters 630,128 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,244.06 -
On this page

Friday, October 11th, 2013

I was on the road by 6:30am. This plus the cooler temperatures due to an overcast sky made for a big day. I was completely broke so I went hungry for the first 30 kilometers. Thankfully Bosconia had a bank so I could get cash and have breakfast.

Flat and full of trucks again, I just figured I would ride as long as I could to get to the coast. I had to ride about 15 kilometers in the dark because there were no places to stay on the coastal highway until I got closer to Santa Marta. I got a room at an hostal where the receptionist handed me three bars of soap with a smirk on her face...might she have been sending me a message? The diesel grime formed a thick black pool in the bottom of the shower while I washed, then I had a lame dinner next door, and soon collapsed exhausted into bed at 9pm.

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Great Egret and Reddish Egret
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Bosconia chaos.
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Bicycle taxi.
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Capped Heron
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Palm plantation.
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Some rough looking villages on this stretch.
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Colombia played Chile today in World Cup qualifying. People dressed in the national colors and flags flying everywhere, all the roadside cafés filled with people watching the game. The score was tied 3-3, Colombia qualified for the cup on points.
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