Pelaya to Cuatrovientos:

Statistics for today
Distance 133.59 kms 83.26 miles
Climbed 365 meters 1,198 feet
Ride time (hours) 7.08 -
Avg speed 18.8 kph -
Avg climb 1% -
Max grade 6% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 15,836.42 kms 9,840.03 miles
Climbed 191,563 meters 628,488 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,234.48 -
On this page

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

More hot, truck-infested riding today but with a decent shoulder for the most part. I don't remember much else about the day, it was just a question of putting my head down and getting it over with. As the sun was going down a big storm rolled in so I stopped at a gas station and asked them if I could camp. I was just about out of cash so I couldn't afford a room but had enough for dinner. After the rain stopped I set up the tent under the porch of the rooms they had for rent out back. I was in bed by 9pm and slept well even though I think there were a lot of people running around all night.

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A lunch worthy of a picture.
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Coal mine in the distance.
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Rainstorm at the gas station, Cuatrovientos.