5 kilometers past Nahualá to Huehuetenango:

Statistics for today
Distance 103.43 kms 64.00 miles
Climbed 1,414 meters 4,639 feet
Ride time (hours) 6.41 -
Avg speed 16.1 kph -
Avg climb 4% -
Max grade 11% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 18,906.96 kms 11,748.26 miles
Climbed 217,415 meters 713,304 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,410.75 -
On this page

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

My VDO somehow shut off overnight so I couldn't tell what time it was in the morning. I tried moving the battery around but that didn't work, then I put a small coin between the battery and the cover which got it going again. It was chilly this morning, the first time I've had to ride in pants and a fleece jacket in a long, long time. Finishing the climb from yesterday brought me up to about 2,900 meters altitude, then came a long descent. The rest of the day was all up and down with scenery reminiscent of Ecuador. Lots of gringo calls today. I think there is a direct correlation between poverty and gringo yells.

Towards the end of the day I stopped at a store and ended up talking for a while to the guy that worked there; he had spent many years working in the U.S. He told me they use this road for bicycle races because of all the climbing. I rolled into Huehuetenango around 4pm and got a hotel room after being told at a couple of places that they were full. More tacos for dinner.

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Another chaotic crossroads town.
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This road is lined with people selling diesel in jerrycans. This one could use help in the spelling department...
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Líder is a Guatemalan political party currently in opposition. They have painted virtually every rock face and utility pole in Guatemala with their logo.
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A restaurant and barking!