Near I-70 to Grand Junction, Colorado: In search of stuff

Statistics for today
Distance 89.64 kms 55.92 miles
Climbed 549 meters 1,801 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.88 -
Avg speed 9.4 kph -
Avg climb 2% -
Max grade 9% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 25,994.79 kms 16,152.54 miles
Climbed 272,102 meters 892,723 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,836.51 -
On this page

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

I continue along the dirt track that parallels the highway - it gets pretty rough at times but eventually I run into the exit for Westwater. I was shooting for that last night but I ran out of time. I've got an east wind in my face all day. Ugh. I have traveled west so infrequently on this trip that when I do I feel like it is almost my right to have the wind at my back... but of course the wind has other ideas.

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A bit of an obstacle course this morning.
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Another first for me.

I cross the Colorado state line and get off the highway at Fruita. The Colorado visitors center gives me a plethora of maps for free, then I head into the town. Stops at a few bike shops don't turn up any 11-34 cassettes. I'm going to have to call ahead to a bike shop somewhere down the road to have them order me one.

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Vietnam War Memorial, Fruita
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Fruita, Colorado is a bike town. No 11-34 cassettes though.

It's a short trip into Grand Junction from Fruita on the back roads. I check out a few more bike shops a guy in Fruita told me about just for kicks and giggles but no cassettes there either. Grand Junction seems like a pretty cool town, lots of sculptures around, a nice Main Street, friendly people. At the last bike shop I get talking to an employee for a while. He has toured with his wife in Europe on a tandem. He recommends a cheap motel down the street so I get a room as a base of operations for my electronics shopping spree.

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That's a mouthful. "I live at 3247 24 3/4 Road..."
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What goes on underneath America's overpasses.
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This sculpture is leaning up against the wall of a bar. Assuming the position or talking to Ralph about a Buick?
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The coffee hut competition in this town is vicious.
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Downtown Grand Junction sculptures.