Pénjamo to La Barca: Into Jalisco at last

Statistics for today
Distance 109.99 kms 68.35 miles
Climbed 466 meters 1,529 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.52 -
Avg speed 19.9 kph -
Avg climb 2% -
Max grade 7% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 21,596.45 kms 13,419.13 miles
Climbed 237,472 meters 779,108 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,558.62 -
On this page

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

In San Joaquín I didn't think I could make it to Guadalajara by Christmas so I told my friends I would be there on the 26th. With the wind's help and directions for the flattest route from Querétaro to Jalisco given to me by a friend of Tavo's I find myself well ahead of schedule, so today I was in no rush. I had a leisurely breakfast in Pénjamo before setting out in the chilly weather. I had some light rain at first that eventually turned into a soaking rain by noon. With the wind and chilly temperatures it got pretty uncomfortable at times. Two flat tires on the rear didn't help - both times from pieces of wire from truck tires. It boggles my mind how I can go 4,000 kilometers with no punctures then get 7 in just a week.

The ride was not too exciting, just a lot of highway (libre and quota), with stops in La Piedad for lunch and a few other pueblos for snacks and coffee. I decided to stay off the cuota after La Piedad because I was in no rush and the tollbooth employees at La Piedad threw a fit when they saw me. I just smiled and waved as I cruised by while they yelled and pointed at me. Maybe they were late with their Christmas shopping or something.

I considered stopping for the day in Vista Hermosa but I didn't like the looks of the place, nor did I find the vista to be anything special or even remotely approaching hermosa. That was my brief visit to Michoacán before hitting Jalisco about 20k down the road. I got a hotel in La Barca, the owner told me that the Italian tourer who was killed this spring by a truck in Sonora had stayed at the hotel. Someone had told me about this incident, I can't remember who. An employee at the hotel is a big cyclist, I spent a half hour talking to him about touring and racing. He told me he as ridden as much as 300k a day on his racing bike...yikes! I wonder if I could do that if I wasn't riding a 40 kilo rhinoceros.

Dinner consisted of sampling a whole bunch of stuff at the Christmas market. I ate too much junk, feeling slightly ill...

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The city has built metal chairs in the central plaza for shoe-shine clients.
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Looking back at Pénjamo
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La Piedad
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Two flats today. Both from pieces of tire wire like this one.
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Cold and wet
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Finally in Jalisco!
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La Barca