Panamint Springs to Alabama Hills above Lone Pine: A spring in my step

Statistics for today
Distance 86.73 kms 54.06 miles
Climbed 1,266 meters 4,154 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.38 -
Avg speed 10 kph -
Avg climb 4% -
Max grade 11% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 28,273.21 kms 17,568.02 miles
Climbed 297,716 meters 976,759 feet
Ride time (hours) 2,004.50 -
On this page

Saturday, May 24th, 2014

Goodbyes to the Belgians at the gas station then I'm off. With all that good company and good food I attack the climb with gusto, I eat up the 4,000 feet of climbing in record time. It is much hotter today than it has been.

J'aurais voulu que tu sois là tous les soirs pour m'aider à monter la tente.

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What do you think, are they done?
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The Panamint Springs crew.
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Lizard head. (Chuckwalla)
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Desert 5 spot.
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Top of the climb out of Panamint Valley.

Up top I see 3 F-18s from China Lake having themselves some fun in the mountains. They come screaming over the peaks to the west then tilt 90 degrees before diving over the mountains to the east down into Panamint Valley.

The descent doesn't go all that fast because of a stiff northwest wind coming down the next valley. I hit the flats for 10 or so miles before running into 395 outside of Lone Pine. At the junction there is an inter-agency visitors center, I roll in to see what they have for maps. Sitting outside is John from Ohio who is on a long trip from Virginia to San Diego to Seattle. We talk for a while about touring then decide to head into Lone Pine to see what is available for camping possibilities. John is a pilot so he sometimes camps at airports, something I had never considered before, but the small one outside of Lone Pine is closed. In town the owner of a hostel and a friend of his give us some tips on places to camp outside of town. We shop, stock up on water, then do a 500 foot climb up to BLM land where we find a good spot in a wash, have a fire, cook dinner, and swap stories. Poor guy I've been spending so much time alone I probably talked his ear off.

Great free camping spot.

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The boys from China Lake out having fun with the F-18s.
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Owens Valley with the Sierra Nevada in the background.
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Unwin recordó a Nicolás de Cusa, para quien toda línea recta es el arco de un círculo infinito. - Jorge Luis Borges
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The greenest landscape I've seen in a long time.
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John from Ohio, has ridden from Virginia to San Diego, now north to Seattle.
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Campsite in Alabama Hills.
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Spectacular views of the sierras from the campsite.
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