5kms south of Venecia to Playa Dominical:

Statistics for today
Distance 94.23 kms 58.41 miles
Climbed 653 meters 2,142 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.17 -
Avg speed 17.8 kph -
Avg climb 3% -
Max grade 8% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 17,141.92 kms 10,651.54 miles
Climbed 199,226 meters 653,629 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,306.22 -
On this page

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

The heat, the pouring rain, and a mosquito who defied all attempts at squashing him added up to a lousy night's sleep. I was up at dawn to break down and pack my sopping wet gear. The road was pretty flat so by noon I had already done 75 kilometers - could have been a big mileage day but the beaches just looked too enticing to skip. When I reached Playa Dominical around 1:30 I stopped at a beach-side hostel that has camping under a roof for 6 dollars a night. I set up the tent and spread out my gear to dry then went straight to the beach for a swim. This is a good place to crash, I'm going to take a rest day tomorrow and enjoy the tropical beach.

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Going to take a while to build that house.
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The Pacific.
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Tipical food?
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Adventures in white-trash cycling: drying my socks and underwear on the back.
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