4 kms east of Zapahuira to Putre: Short day to Putre to shower and resupply

Statistics for today
Distance 31.95 kms 19.88 miles
Climbed 665 meters 2,182 feet
Ride time (hours) 3.33 -
Avg speed 9.5 kph -
Avg climb 5% -
Max grade 12% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 7,891.08 kms 4,903.24 miles
Climbed 79,021 meters 259,255 feet
Ride time (hours) 596.45 -
On this page

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

It was cold this morning, below zero, with a wind to make it bite even harder. I was up well before dawn to get out of my exposed campsite before daybreak.

More climbing ensued, although with better scenery. It hovered around 3 degrees until the sun got up over the mountains. I ran into a bunch of guanacos near the road, they look very much like vicuñas only bigger. They make a really strange sound - kind of like a cross between a donkey and Muttley the wheezing dog. By 11:30 I was in Putre, a smallish town nestled in a valley that appears surprisingly green after the desert mountains I just went through.

At the tourist office they had no maps of the region, instead they directed me to a hotel where I was charged almost $10 for a map... yikes. After buying a few things at a store I got the feeling this place is mostly about ripping off tourists. The hostal was a pleasant surprise though, a nice room with private bath and internet for a price that´s not too bad for a place like this.

I took a long nap in the afternoon, I was feeling pretty tired after all that climbing. My card doesn´t work in the ATM here which is a problem... I´ll have to change some of my meager supply of dollars to get enough food to get over to Colchani. It´s going to be one of those long ripio rides without many services so I´ll need to stock up on supplies here.

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A whole bunch of guanacos
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Hostal mascot