Day off in San Joaquín:

Statistics for today
Distance 0.00 kms 0.00 miles
Climbed 0 meters 0 feet
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 21,191.69 kms 13,168.09 miles
Climbed 235,346 meters 772,133 feet
On this page

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

When I looked at the bike in the morning I saw that the front tire was flat. I hadn't had a flat on the front since I replaced the rim way back in Bucaramanga, Colombia, almost 6,000 kilometers ago. The tire had been on there so long it was glued to the rim, it took both myself and Tavo yanking and pulling on the tire to get it off. I patched a few tubes, throwing away one of the ones I bought in Puebla in the process, they are crappy quality.

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San Joaquín
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Great views
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Meet Tavo, the man who taught me Spanish. He's the person to see if you want to learn the language, see Facebook page: "Aldea Global. Spanish Programs."
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Huge bee's nest, don't open that window!
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