Santa Clara to near Santiago: More highway and rain

Statistics for today
Distance 126.39 kms 78.29 miles
Climbed 407 meters 1,335 feet
Ride time (hours) 6.17 -
Avg speed 20.4 kph -
Avg climb 1% -
Max grade 4% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 16,696.12 kms 10,374.41 miles
Climbed 195,628 meters 641,824 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,280.71 -
On this page

Saturday, October 26th, 2013

I spent an hour in the morning patching tubes and making various adjustments to the bike, end result I didn't get going until 9:30. 20 kilometers later the back tire went flat. I let out a long and colorful stream of obscenities. I swapped out the tube, putting back in the tire tape I hadn't used since early days Colombia. The tire held for the rest of the day thank god.

Just a lot of uneventful highway riding until the skies opened up around 4. I waited it out at a truck weigh station for a while with some guys who were driving tractors until I decided to just get wet. Why not? I was still damp from yesterday. I kept it up until dusk when I spied a hotel. I was so enthralled with the hot shower I took two. Going to have another one tomorrow morning as well!

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Breaking down the circus.
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Typical spot for a break on the Panam.
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The newer bicycles here have license plates.
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Why a picture of a shower knob you ask? Well that little red dot means there is hot water. My first hot shower since Manizales, Colombia 26 days ago!