El Sunzal to Sonsonate:

Statistics for today
Distance 85.58 kms 53.44 miles
Climbed 1,020 meters 3,346 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.26 -
Avg speed 16.2 kph -
Avg climb 3% -
Max grade 8% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 18,389.34 kms 11,426.39 miles
Climbed 208,360 meters 683,596 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,374.25 -
On this page

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

I got going at 11 after some long goodbyes. No traffic to speak of on the coast road but lots of climbing for the first 35k. Hot. At the Acajutla/Sonsonate junction the road turned into a 4 lane divided highway with lots of trucks. Acajutla must be a good-sized port. In Sonsonate I couldn’t find much in the way of hotels, other than a couple that looked expensive. Kept going until I found a love motel that had decent roooms with A/C for 13 dollars a night. I made sure to ask if it was for the whole night, not just 4 hours or something like that. I spent a half hour shooting the breeze with the two guys working there, then took a shower and rode the bike back down towards the city to get dinner and a pineapple milkshake.

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Lots of tunnels today, a surprise.
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Probably the last time I'll see the Pacific for a while.
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Racking up the bottles.
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A few coconuts have been sold here.
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Happy as a clam at the Happy Hours Motel.