Stats for the continent:
Total days: 251
Ride days: 203
Avg kilometers /day: 80,78
Avg pedal hours /day: 6:15:47
Avg meters climbed /day: 954,33
Countries visited: 6
Distance statistics:
Total kilometers: 16398,35
Most kms in a day: 175,07
Days over 150k ridden: 5
Most pedal time in a day: 10:21:28
Climbing statistics:
Total meters climbed: 193,729
Most climbed, pavement: 2,551
Most climbed, ripio: 2,278
Days over 2,000 meters: 9 (7 on pavement, 2 on ripio)
Days between 1500 and 2000: 20
Days between 1000 and 1500 59
Days > 1000 climbed, >100k ridden: 12
Equipment issues summary:
Total flats on front wheel: 10
Total flats on back wheel: 28
Replaced cassette: 3
Replaced chain: 3
Replaced crankset: 2
Replaced bottom bracket: 2
Replaced derailleur cables: 2
Replaced brake cables: 1
Replaced cable housings: 1
Replaced tent: 1
Replaced back rack: 2
Total days | Ride days | Total Kms | Avg Kms/day | Total Time | Avg Hours/day | Total Climbed | Avg Meters/day | Max avg speed | |
Patagonia | 20 | 19 | 1491 | 78,47 | 126:38:05 | 6:39:54 | 16269 | 856,26 | 17,3 |
Bariloche to Santiago | 20 | 19 | 1835,94 | 94,93 | 129:26:58 | 6:39:48 | 17830 | 931,42 | 20,2 |
Santiago to Salta | 35 | 33 | 2912,59 | 87,03 | 209:19:46 | 6:15:11 | 26052 | 783,39 | 19,1 |
Salta to Arica | 22 | 17 | 1487,47 | 85,62 | 115:25:19 | 6:37:02 | 14510 | 845,88 | 19,1 |
Arica to La Paz | 21 | 18 | 1513,3 | 83,92 | 128:50:24 | 7:08:32 | 14802 | 821,27 | 14,8 |
La Paz to Cusco | 19 | 17 | 1184,66 | 69,68 | 109:17:30 | 6:25:44 | 17533 | 1031,35 | 16,4 |
Cusco to Cuenca | 35 | 23 | 1460,17 | 63,5 | 136:23:23 | 5:55:48 | 29246 | 1271,5 | 14,8 |
Cuenca to Medellín | 41 | 31 | 2147,49 | 69,27 | 158:35:39 | 5:06:57 | 32607 | 1051,8 | 23,4 |
Medellín to Cartagena | 38 | 26 | 2365,73 | 90,98 | 157:25:55 | 6:03:18 | 24748 | 951,84 | 20,4 |
251 | 203 | 16398,35 | 80,78004926 | 1271:22:59 | 6:15:47 | 193729 | 954,3300493 | 23,4 |
Sleeping Statistics:
Between wild camping and campgrounds I camped 50% of the nights I spent in South American. 9% of the nights were free lodging, mostly in Casa de Ciclistas. The remaining 41% of the nights I paid for accomodations.
Nights | % of Total Nights | |
Rough Camp | 95 | 38% |
Hospedaje* | 49 | 20% |
Hotel | 38 | 15% |
Campground (paid) | 25 | 10% |
Invited | 22 | 9% |
Hostel | 16 | 6% |
Campground (free) | 6 | 2% |
251 | 100% |
*Hospedaje is a general bucket for a place that was more than a hostel (i.e. I had my own room) but less than a hotel. The names of these places changed with the country - casa de huesped, hostal, albergue, hostería, pensión, etc...