Vermillion Cliffs to Kanab: More ᾧἷᾗḋ

Statistics for today
Distance 73.34 kms 45.36 miles
Climbed 562 meters 1,844 feet
Ride time (hours) 5.58 -
Avg speed 8.1 kph -
Avg climb 2% -
Max grade 7% -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 27,259.66 kms 16,938.57 miles
Climbed 285,869 meters 937,890 feet
Ride time (hours) 1,935.65 -
On this page

Saturday, May 10th, 2014

In the semi-circle of rock walls where I camped the wind appears to be coming from the northeast. I suspect that this is just a result of the cliffs distorting the wind's true direction. I drag the bike down the wash, under the fence, and back onto the road. Yup, the wind is really coming from the west. Coming fast.

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Side-blotched lizard
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Wild blue flax

I pass the exit for a dirt road I was eying on the map, it's calling my name. I need to get to a town though. Tomorrow is Mothers Day so I want to have cellphone service; and there could be some weather coming in tonight. I keep going for Kanab.

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Today is just a slow grind into the wind. When I arrive in Kanab I stop at a private campground but they have no tent sites left. I am relieved to hear this, now I have an excuse to get a motel which is what I really want. Two guys from Fall River, MA are working on the motel I stop at. We shoot the shit for a while, long enough for my chowdahead accent to start slipping out. You can send me to the ends of the earth but put me with a chowdahead and I'll be drivin' cahhs, goin' ta bahhs, and debating the wisdom of letting Wes Welkahh go. They tell me the Bruins are on tonight, 5th game series tied with the Habs. I take a nap, go shopping, and get back in time for the third period. Good game.

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I didn't realizing I was summiting anything but thanks for the sign anyways.
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This section of road has a number of "Deer Migration" signs. Looks like they have invested a lot to try to force the deer to go under the road through the culverts. I wonder if it works.
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Life preserver in the desert.
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Vermillion cliffs.
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Love that neon trim on my motel. Yes it's ugly and tacky but the rooms are clean, the showers are hot, and the price is right.