Combeaufontaine to Saint-Seine-l'Abbaye: more Burgundy

Statistics for today
Distance 143.24 kms 88.86 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 2,159.23 kms 1,341.54 miles
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Saturday, May 1st, 2010

May 1st in France. Not a good day to go shopping. Store hours in this country are tricky to begin with, but on May Day it's checkmate. I get real hungry going through town after town with nothing open. Finally I come across something that's open and I take advantage.

More Bourgogne, mustard fields, and a period of heavy rain. With the holiday weekend I struggle to find a place to stay. I ride late until I find an inn at Saint-Seine-l'Abbaye.

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Making a new friend.
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Cool village with water flowing between all the houses.
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Soaking wet.
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Hotel courtyard.