Münchberg to Breitengüßbach:

Statistics for today
Distance 109.68 kms 68.35 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 921.74 kms 572.90 miles
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Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Breakfast is a sad affair at the hotel this morning. Unusual for Germany, maybe the quality will drop as I've crossed from East to West Germany. The prices have certainly gone up, however. I need to do laundry but I have no luck finding a laundromat today. I get on the Main Radweg (Main River bicycle path). It takes me a little bit out of my way but it's much more enjoyable than riding on the road.

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Following the bike paths. Germany has these nice signs marking the paths with distances to the next village.
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Things are starting to grow, spring is in full swing.
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The luggage setup.
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