Ribana to Sant Llorenç de Morunys: wandering around the Serres

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Distance 84.00 kms 52.20 miles
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Distance 3,542.86 kms 2,201.52 miles
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Sunday, May 30th, 2010

I sneak out of my camping site at 9am. There is a car at the entrance to the path I took to get to the stream but I don't see anyone around. I'm feeling a bit paranoid about stealth camping, I'm not sure how legal/illegal it is in these parts. So far I've just been careful not to camp on private property. I figure the worst someone can do to me if I'm on public land is just tell me to move on.

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A lot of climbing today. I'm either going up or going down all day long. Beautiful scenery in the mountains however, with the occasional picturesque stone town or castle on a hill.

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In a Mexican standoff with a cabrón (wild billygoat). I thought for sure he was going to charge but he just stared at me for a good 5 minutes before wandering off.
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Rivers and lakes, mountains, forests... it feels like northern New England until I run into one of those classic little southern European villages.

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Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Amazing spot.

I get a spot at a campground at the end of the day so I can take a shower. For 10 Euros it still feels like a bargain although I'm not too thrilled with the way campgrounds are set up here, they are mostly full of car travelers and they jam tents in pretty close together. Fortunately it's still early enough to be off-season.