Saulxures-sur-Moselotte to Combeaufontaine: rain

Statistics for today
Distance 103.80 kms 64.62 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 2,015.99 kms 1,252.68 miles
On this page

Friday, April 30th, 2010

The woman whose house I slept at last night sends me off with an excellent breakfast and a sandwich for the road. At 19 euros for the night I don't think they made any money off of me. They probably rent rooms just to have company and meet new people. All in all a very enjoyable experience compared to the previous night spent in a lonely roadside hotel.

The rain catches up with me today. Temperatures are low making for a tough slog in spite of the nice scenery of the French countryside. Another expensive hotel, choices are seriously limited in France, finishes off the day.

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Still doing some climbing.
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Traffic jam. Moooove over.
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Contintental divide.
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Getting wet.
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2,000 kilometers. Forced smile with all this rain today.
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Mustard fields of Burgundy.