Tàrrega to Comiols: limping back onto the road

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Distance 63.00 kms 39.15 miles
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Distance 3,700.86 kms 2,299.69 miles
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Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Three days later I limp back onto the road. Holy shit was I sick. I barely ate for the first two days; I just couldn't keep anything down, anything at all. A pharmacist gave me a few things that seem to have helped. I'll be taking it slow for a few days to try and regain strength. I think I lost a good five pounds from that episode.

Today I just kind of crawl along with frequent breaks. I make it as far as Camiols before I give up and get a room at a pensión. Only 10 Euros, the same as what I paid for a campsite in Sant Llorenç.

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I was in a sorry state when I dragged my ass over this not very high pass.
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