Batu Pahat to Pontian: Hot? yup Flat? yup

Statistics for today
Distance 76.70 kms 47.85 miles
Ride time (hours) 3.73 -
Avg speed 20.4 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 2,106.50 kms 1,309.23 miles
Ride time (hours) 107.61 -
On this page

Saturday, December 24th, 2016

More of the same today: hot and flat. I can take it easy because I know I'm not going far. I get to Pontian early afternoon. There are no beaches but it's right on the water, a pretty spot.

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Fruit stand, they are everywhere.
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Many differnt kinds of flowers line the roads.
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! What? What's wrong? Just !
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There is some kind of celebration going on today. At various points I come across tents with tables, and people dressed in their finery.
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Mango ice cream to cool off.
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Near Pontian Kecil.
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Sunset from Pontian Kecil.
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