Malacca to Batu Pahat:

Statistics for today
Distance 103.90 kms 64.62 miles
Ride time (hours) 5.00 -
Avg speed 20.8 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 2,029.80 kms 1,261.38 miles
Ride time (hours) 103.88 -
On this page

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

Four days left to get to Singapore, roughly 300 kilometers of riding to get there. I make today the longish day out of the four since there is a long stretch of not much between Malacca and Batu Pahat. But first things first: breakfast. On my way out of Malacca I see I sign that says: American breakfast - I'm all over that. It's a small guesthouse/cafe run by a friendly man who says he's had the place for 20 years. Says he has lots of cyclist visitors as well. Breakfast is homemade sausage, eggs, sauteed tomatoes with onions, toast, and coffee. I'm in heaven.

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Breakfast in Malacca. Quite good.

The rest of the day is pretty boring, just hot and flat highway riding. At least there's a shoulder on the road for much of it.

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Much of the day goes like this. At least there is a shoulder.
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The water is so green it almost glows.
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Coconuts abound.
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Salt stains on my shorts. This doesn't usually happen, I wonder if it means I'm dehydrated.

I get a cheap guesthouse in Batu Pahat. I really get lucky with the weather, literally 10 minutes after I settle into my room the skies open up with torrential downpours. That really would have sucked had I been riding. I still have the problem of getting dinner though. I wait until the rain appears to be calming down then make a dash down the street to a Chinese food court kind of place. No one speaks English so I resort to Mandarin, which thankfully they understand. I order a stir-fry, wolf it down, then order another. It's raining so hard on the corrugated metal roof that no one can hear each other talking. I wait a half hour for it to calm down again then I sprint back to the guesthouse.

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The cafe where I have dinner. Mostly ethnic Chinese here, the people serving food speak Mandarin.