Pakmeng Beach to Yan Ta Khao: rain-abbreviated day (please give me food)

Statistics for today
Distance 70.80 kms 44.12 miles
Ride time (hours) 3.72 -
Avg speed 19 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 1,556.10 kms 966.85 miles
Ride time (hours) 79.70 -
On this page

Saturday, December 17th, 2016

The day starts out nice with a ride along the beach for a while, then the road turns inland for more palm plantations.

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Pakmeng beach in the morning.
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A little ways down the road.
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"Longtail" boats.
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I stop for lunch at a roadside place. Not a word of English spoken here. A bit of pantomime and pointing and eventually I get grilled chicken and veggies with rice.

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Drafting off of a tractor.

In the early afternoon the sky is looking grim. Just like that, it explodes with torrential downpours. I wait it out for a little while in one of the roadside bus stop shelters (along with a dozen scooter riders), but it doesn't look to be clearing soon so I just get back on the bike and slosh the final 10k to a nearby city that has a guesthouse. Nice place, cheap because it's in the middle of nowhere. I happy to trade the missed kilometers for a shower and an afternoon nap. The rain doesn't let up until early evening.

Dinner is a bit more of a challenge. I find a place that looks good, but no English here either and the woman doesn't want to play along. There isn't any already-prepared stuff to point at so we reach an impass. I resort to google translate to get my point across, ending up with a pad thai kind of thing with lots of vegetables. Quite good, I'm glad I stuck it out. My first instinct was to run when the woman was being difficult...