Pontian to Johor Bahru: Sounds like a place Jabba the Hut would live (Merry Christmas!)

Statistics for today
Distance 66.90 kms 41.63 miles
Ride time (hours) 3.55 -
Avg speed 18.8 kph -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 2,173.40 kms 1,350.24 miles
Ride time (hours) 111.16 -
On this page

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

Yes, hot and flat, and then a big city. I can't seem to find a way to navigate through it without ending up on a highway. And parts of the highways don't have shoulders, which is downright tense at times. I am quite relieved to arrive at my hotel in one piece. The bicycle is a problem again, they don't want it inside. This time I don't give in because it's a busy city neighborhood, they relent and let me keep it in the lobby. I ride out to do laundry (been a while) and get rained on in the process. Big dinner at the Indian restaurant next door to the hotel then lights out. Today is Christmas but being in a hot Muslim country I hardly noticed. Tomorrow I'll be in Singapore.

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I saw this guy in Pontian in the morning. Lightly loaded but could be touring.
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Selling fish in bags.
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My bike in the stairwell of the evening's hotel.