Roanoke to Smart View: Let the rain fall down

Nowhere to Go but Everywhere
Statistics for today
Distance 117.48 kms 72.70 miles
Ride time (hours) 6.83 -
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 1,879.65 kms 1,168.18 miles
Ride time (hours) 113.02 -
On this page

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

I'm not in the habit of quoting Hillary Duff but that "Let the rain fall down" song is stuck in my head today; because, well, the rain is falling down. Not long after my morning departure from Roanoke the skies open up and stay that way all day long. It's a cold, wet, and generally miserable day (as much for that song stuck in my head as for the rain itself).

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I'm sure there are nice views out there somewhere but they are blocked by today's rain and fog.

I climb back up on to the parkway and slog it out. I run into the support van of those touring cyclists which is shuttling them further down the road to the spot where they would have finished the day's ride if it wasn't raining. I envy them their dry and warm transportation. I'm offered a ride but I'm too stubborn to take them up on it.

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A picnic area with a roof provides a dryish place for lunch. Slow day for pictures.

At least the cycling keeps me warmish. I only suffer when I stop to eat lunch or otherwise cease pedaling. I ride until nightfall regardless, I want to reach the Smart View recreation area to at least have a clear spot to camp. The place is deserted and dark when I get there but there is an open bathroom with a hand dryer that I use to take some of the sop out of my gloves. I set up camp in the pouring rain and pitch black in a clearing in the woods beyond the parking lot. A grim day all around.