Barstow to Kingman, AZ: a bit of route 66

Statistics for today
Distance 337 kms 209 miles
Statistics for trip to date
Distance 13,621 kms 8,464 miles
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Saturday, September 30th, 2017

It's going to be hot and sunny today, like just about every day in the Mojave. Last night I went out to get a feel for Barstow... verdict: some strange people wandering around. I suppose living in a desert crossroads town will attract a few of those.

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My shock bleeding all over the final drive.

Heading east I have two options: interstate highway or route 66. I start on the highway then hop off for a bit to ride this fabled two-lane slice of Americana. I've been on it a number of times - both on the motorcycle and on bicycles - so I'm not feeling any particular sense of awe. At a gas station I run into a bunch of Swedes in full leathers taking a break from the sun. Route 66 has a mythical appeal to Europeans. I often get questions about it when I'm over there; and whenever I'm on it I invariably run into scads of people from the old country making the pilgrimage. Someone has made a good business out of renting them black Harley Davidson motorcycles.

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Off the highway for a bit of route 66.
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The obligatory picture.

I stop early and get a place for the night in Kingman, AZ. I still have some time to kill before the BMW shop opens in Phoenix so I'm in no rush.